The MMPI-A-RF development process employed a large sample of 15,128 adolescents (9,286 boys and 5,842 girls) drawn from a variety of settings. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inverntory (MMPI) validity reliability socio-cultural characteristics. As with the MMPI-2-RF, one of our primary goals was to develop scales with improved discriminant validity relative to the heterogeneous Clinical Scales of the MMPI-2 and MMPI-A. It is concluded that most of the investigations have shown the validity and reliability of the MMPI as well as the need to continue studies in relation to the implementation, validation and systematization of the instrument. This article sought to determine the applicability of the test of personality Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) through the last 25 years, through the methodology of systematic review of the literature in 41 studies in free access database such as: Organization of the United Nations for food and culture, MedlinePlus, Open Journal Systems, Dialnet, Scielo, Wiley Open Access, UNESCO, Latindex, Ebsco Host and Redalyc which allowed to collect information about the instrument and its application in different contexts and moments from 1990 to 2015.

Systematic review on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). A few studies have shown improved validity of the MMPI scales after correcting scores as recommended in the MMPI manual (e.g., Wooten, 1984). In this respect, the validational evidence is weak. ZAMBRANO-GUERRERO, Christian Alexander CAICEDO-PADILLA, Diego Andrés and MATABANCHOY-TULCAN, Sonia Maritza. Gocka (1965) reported an alpha coefficient of.